packing bags of confidence and kindness

“It’s not our job to toughen our children up to face a cruel and heartless world.
It’s our job to raise children who will make the world a little less cruel and heartless.”

Aug 2014 - E and Levi superheroes 4B
Let’s pack happiness into our children so the baggage they take into adulthood is goodness, confidence, and kindness instead of packing bags of hurt, struggle, and loneliness that will weigh them down for life.”

Both these quotes are by L R Knost, an author and Mother who really knows her stuff when it comes to gentle parenting approaches. Her website is a great source of inspiration and I can’t help but feel encouraged when I read a blog post like
200 ways to bless your children with a happy childhood and can mentally tick some off. A handful of the ways in which we hope we’re blessing E with a happy childhood …..
1. playing in the rain
2. choosing new books from the library
3. climbing and exploring
4. building towers and knocking them down
5. making funny hats for lego people
6. baking cookie cutter shaped bread rolls
7. playing dress up
8. singing and dancing around the room
9. holding him through the tears when he’s upset
10. sharing a milkshake
11. saying ”I’m sorry” when we make mistakes
12. sharing stories of our childhood
13. saying ”I love you” every day
14. giving second chances
15. modelling what we’d like him to learn – kindness and confidence.
E lion cape


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