look what we made!

… a beautiful baby boy.  Our beloved son Euan.

Born the day after my last blog post (written to distract me from the contractions that had started a few hours before) I wonder now how no-one guessed I was carrying such a whopper inside that enormous bump.  10lb 2oz of whopping great loveliness.  The extra 12 days cooking time Euan had served him well in recovering from the difficulties of his delivery and right from day one he’s seemed more like the age he would have been if he’d been born on his due date.  It’s brilliant for us as it means our 3 week old bundle of joy is really alert and has been giving us lots of smiles and makes hilarious squeaks, coos and grunts to let us know what he needs.

First photo – 3 hours old. Second photo – 2.5 weeks old.

This story had a sequel four years later – look what we made 2!


  1. Congratulations!! A beautiful baby boy. I have been enjoying your blog for a while now and have checked every day for some news. Fabulous. Lovely name too x

  2. What a handsome guy ! Well done, Nic ! (10lbs is a huge bundle !) He looks very alert, indeed. You two must be soooo proud !
    {{{ XXooX }}}

  3. big smile! what an alert gorgeous boy, can’t wait to meet him sometime soon, he can come play with Rubio. i’m looking forward to reading your blog over the next year to see how things change for you, how Euan likes the allotment etc!! x

  4. Huge congratulations Nic. What a beautiful boy. You must all be so happy and I expect you’re somewhat relieved at not carrying around that big bump any more.

  5. Just stopped by Nic. Many many congratulations on your new arrival!
    All best wishes
    “Dig For Victory!”

  6. Congratulations! Remember what you said in a previous post about the water melon?! Now you know what they mean! Love your blog and looking forward to the coming year and all it brings for you. Love Jenny ps: what do cats think to Euan??

  7. I know I’ve said it already, but I want to say it again – Congratulations to you Both on the birth of your beautiful baby boy Euan.

  8. Being the very proud Gloucestershire grandad, just to say that young Euan is looking and behaving very well

  9. thank you all so much for your lovely messages. E is 7 weeks old now and is a very happy, contented baby. He’s delighted us with smiles and chuckles from 3 weeks and I suspect we may have a potential chatter box on our hands for all the amusing noises he makes :o)

  10. […] Our son Euan was born in January 2012, 13 years into our marriage and 10 years after we started trying to conceive. He was a rainbow baby, born 12 days before the first anniversary of the miscarriage of our first baby. I wrote about that experience last year in Writing when you’re lost for words – healing after miscarriage. Both babies were conceived with the help of fertility treatment and Euan was conceived in the first cycle after the miscarriage when our fertility consultant had matter of factly encouraged us to try again as researchers have found that many women are more fertile straight after a miscarriage. The irony of that was not lost on us when my body had taken over a decade to fall pregnant for the first time. We were uncertain where our fertility consultant was unshakeably certain. We’d experienced a deep grief for the baby we’d lost but felt ready to consider the possibility we could fall pregnant again so we out our faith in her when we had no other place for it. We left the fertility clinic with our next supply of Gonal F injections and I clung to the mantra ”When the world says ”Give up”, Hope whispers ”Try one more time”. […]

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